Using Qubes with Whonix and dino IM and tor hidden service version of
Here’s a comprehensive guide to setting up and using Dino IM and XMPP with OMEMO encryption on Qubes OS with Whonix for privacy and security. Prerequisites Qubes OS installed and configured. Whonix TemplateVM and AppVM set up for routing traffic through Tor. Basic understanding of Qubes' compartmentalization and Whonix's privacy principles. Step 1: Setting Up the Environment 1.1 Update Qubes OS and Whonix Open a terminal in the Whonix TemplateVM ( whonix-ws-16 or newer). Update the system: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade Repeat this process for your other TemplateVMs. 1.2 Create an AppVM for Dino IM In Qubes Manager, create a new AppVM: Name : dino-im Template : whonix-ws-16 (or equivalent Whonix Workstation template) Networking : sys-whonix This ensures all Dino IM traffic routes through Tor. Step 2: Install Dino IM 2.1 Add the Dino PPA Open a terminal in the whonix-ws-16 TemplateVM: sudo apt install -y software-properties-common sudo ad...